About Us

About Magness Farms

Magness Farms is a family run mixed farm based in Thaxted, Essex. Our family have been farming since 1922, where we first started as a dairy farm in Chelmsford. (Magness and Usher).

The arable side of the farm is managed by Colin and Tom Magness who work closely with the livestock to help produce feed, straw and hay for the animals as well as producing a variety of cereals for human consumption.

George has always wanted to incorporate livestock back into the farm. He started work at Smithfield’s meat market in 2015 where his butchery passion first began. He then trained as a butcher at Ipswich Meat, continuing at Meat and Cleaver.

Catrina has always been involved with animals. Her parents both worked for stud farms in Newmarket, her father progressing to own his own stud farm in Bedfordshire. She has a real passion for animal welfare, ensuring our own animals enjoy the best quality of life. Alongside the farm, Catrina works full-time for the NHS.

Together George and Catrina are working to improve conditions for animals within meat production and produce and source high quality meat that is raised to expectational welfare standards.

As well as rearing and producing our own animals we work hard to source local, high welfare meats from reputable farms and suppliers.